How to Freeze a Computer Screen

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Frustrated user

A computer screen can become unresponsive or freeze at any time, causing a user to lose valuable unsaved information or work. A computer screen freeze almost always results in a loss of precious time and even money. Not knowing the reasons for a computer freeze can leave a user helpless and frustrated. Many user actions can contribute to or cause a screen freeze.


Step 1

Install an incompatible system application. Your computer's operating system will accept only applications or programs that are designed to run on its operating system. A program or application designed for another operating system will cause your screen and computer to freeze or become unresponsive.


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Step 2

Use a computer that does not meet the minimum requirements for a specific operating system. An operating system will run only if the minimum requirements are met for its processor, disk space, CD-ROM or DVD drive and SVGA resolution video monitor and adapter. Failure to satisfy the minimum requirements for any of these technical specifications will cause a computer and its screen to freeze.


Step 3

Use up all your free disk space. If you do not perform computer maintenance measures such as disk cleanup, your computer's free disk space will be used up by applications and files. This shortage in disk space will cause your computer to become unresponsive.

Step 4

Use hardware devices and peripherals that are incompatible with your computer's operating system. Mice, keyboards, cameras and other hardware devices that are not compatible with the operating system will cause memory conflicts between the operating system and the devices. This will result in problems with the system's processing speed and will freeze the computer.



Step 5

Stop cleaning your computer registry. The registry stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Over time, many useless and obsolete entries accumulate in the registry until it becomes corrupt. Problems in the registry will cause a computer to freeze.

Step 6

Remove anti-virus programs. Viruses come in many forms and many of them will freeze a computer screen. Failure to install anti-virus software will definitely invite all types of malware into your computer and may eventually cause it to freeze up.

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