How to Install a Bose 901 Equalizer

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If your listening environment has two speakers only, use the standard setup method.
Image Credit: sprng23/iStock/Getty Images

You've purchased a Bose 901 equalizer by itself or as a part of a Bose 901 speaker system, and now it's time to set it up. How you go about connecting the Bose 901-series equalizer to your stereo system varies slightly depending on whether you intend to use it in a two-speaker or surround sound setup. If you're using earlier 901 speakers, check for possible compatibility issues with the 901-series equalizer you're using before you begin.


Step 1

Turn off the power to your stereo system and unplug any cables or devices currently connected to the Tape Monitor inputs on your receiver. These devices might include tape decks and other equalization or signal processing devices.

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Step 2

Connect one end of the first set of twin cables that came with the equalizer to the "Amplifier Input" jacks on the Bose 901 equalizer, connecting the red side to the "R" input and the other to the "L" input. All jacks are located on the back of the Bose 901 equalizer.


Step 3

Connect the other end of the first set of cables to the "Out" or "Record" jacks on your receiver, again connecting right to right and left to left. If you're using the equalizer in a home theater setup, connect this end of the cable to the "Pre Amp Out" jacks on your receiver or amplifier.


Step 4

Connect one end of the second set of cables to the "Amplifier Output" jacks on the Bose 901 equalizer.

Step 5

Connect the other end of the second set of cables to the "In" or "Tape" jacks on your receiver. These jacks may also be labelled "To Output," "Play," "Monitor" or "From Output" depending on the make and model of your receiver. If you're using the equalizer in a home theater setup, connect this end of the cable to the "Main Amp In" jacks on your receiver or amplifier.



Step 6

Connect the Bose 901 equalizer's power cord to one of the switched power outlets on your receiver or amplifier. Connecting to a switched outlet ensures the equalizer is turned on or off automatically whenever the receiver or amplifier is turned on or off.

Step 7

Set the "Monitor" button on the equalizer to the "Tape" position.

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