How to Make a Computer Fan Faster

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A fast running computer fan cools down your computer and aims to keep the computer cool at all times. The steps below show you how to accomplish this without affecting the speed of the CPU, unless it is absolutely necessary. It is based on the premise that if the fan is consistently running, the CPU won't have a chance to overheat and, therefore, the fan is never put in a "catch up mode."


Step 1

Access the "Control Panel" from the Start menu.

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Step 2

Choose "Performance and Maintenance."


Step 3

Choose the "Power Saver" option.


Step 4

Locate the scale next to "Cooling Method" and slide it midway to "Performance." This option will utilize the cooling fan to continually keep the computer cool; however, it only slows down the CPU if necessary. (Note: If you slide the scale to the "Maximum Performance" setting, the fan will activate only when the temperature rises. The CPU speed is not affected tremendously, but by using this high setting, you sacrifice cooling down the CPU at a faster rate.)


Step 5

Click the "Apply" button.

Step 6

Click "OK" at the prompt to exit. And if prompted twice, click "OK" again to save your settings and exit.

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