How to Reset the CPU Speed to the Correct Values

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Raising the CPU (Central Processing Unit) clock speed to a higher value is a great way to improve the processing power of the processor. However, running the processor at higher speeds wears the processor down quicker. Also, if your CPU speed is below the recommended speed, you may want to raise it to the default speed for a gain in processing performance. No matter the case, resetting the CPU values is a task anybody can accomplish.


Step 1

Turn on your computer and wait for the boot screen to appear; the boot screen displays all the parts that are connected to the motherboard, such as the hard drive, CPU and even electronics connected to the USB ports. The boot screen is always in two colors that are most likely going to be black and white.


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Step 2

Press the "Delete" key or the "F1" key to access the BIOS of your motherboard during the boot screen. The BIOS can be referred to as a "control panel." Sometimes the boot screen is hidden and does not show up when you turn on your computer. In this case, keep pressing the "Delete" or "F1" keys until you gain access to the BIOS right after you turn on your computer.


Step 3

Go to the "Advanced Chipset Features" in the BIOS and then click on the "CPU Multiplier" feature. The last option in the CPU multiplier is "Restore Default Settings." Press "Enter" on it.


Step 4

Click "F10" to save the settings and restart your computer. The CPU should be running at default speeds now. Access the BIOS "System Monitor," which is on the left of "Advanced Chipset Features," to see the current CPU speeds.

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