How to Make Fake Web Pages

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Show off your web design skills by creating your own web page.

A fake web page can be made just for fun or as practice for the real website you would like to create later. It can also be used in presentations for school or work. Either way, creating a fake web page can be fun and easy. Sites like Go Daddy and have simplified the process so that even a novice web designer can do it.


Step 1

Choose a domain name. Make sure your name reflects the content you will be presenting for your school or work project.

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Step 2

Choose a web host. This is an essential step because you are actually choosing the site that will "host" your content. It is important to choose your web host carefully. You can purchase a domain name from sites like Go Daddy for a nominal fee or create a free website on sites like Sites that charge a fee to host your site are more likely to provide adequate customer service should you have any problems with your site.


Step 3

Build your website. If you are a beginner and not as technically savvy, free sites like Go Daddy offer a website builder that allows you to simply click on a design template then add your text. If you are more advanced, you can use a web publishing program such as Microsoft Publisher. Microsoft Publisher also provides easy-to-follow prompts and tools that allow you to upload your content.



Step 4

Preview your page. Most web publishing programs offer a "preview" option. Click the preview button to make sure that all of your content is displayed the way you would like it.

Step 5

Save your web page. Click "save as" and save your web page as an HTML document. Note: Do not hit publish as this will publish your fake content to the web. Saving it as an HTML document will save the page and allow you to send or share the document with your classmates, teachers or colleagues. This is perfect if you are using your fake website for a work or class presentation.

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