How to Put Anchor Text in PowerPoint

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Anchor text is simply a string of text that a user can click on and be sent somewhere else. You will normally find anchor text on a web page, but a Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 presentation can also contain anchor text. The presentation anchor text can send the user to a web page, open a certain document, open a different slide in the current presentation, open a slide from another presentation or open up an email form.


Step 1

Open up the PowerPoint presentation and select the slide, from the list on the left side, where you want to add the anchor text.

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Step 2

Select the object on the slide where you want to add the anchor text. If the text is already in place, and you just want to add the link, hold down the mouse button while you drag the mouse over the text to select it.


Step 3

Click on the "Insert" tab at the top of the PowerPoint screen. Find the "Links" area and select the "Hyperlink" button. This will open up the "Insert Hyperlink" window.

Step 4

Select the type of link you want to add from the list on the left. Choose "Existing File or Web Page" to link to a file or web address. You will have to then browse to that file on your computer, or enter the web address into the "Address" bar. Choose "Place in This Document" to link to another slide in this PowerPoint document. You will then have to choose the slide you want to link to from a list of slides. Choose "Create New Document" to create a new PowerPoint presentation to link to. You will have to choose between editing the new document now, or later. Finally, choose "Email Address" to have the anchor text open a new email window when someone clicks on it. You will have to enter in the recipient's email address and the email subject.



Step 5

Type in the actual anchor text into the "Text to display" box at the top of the window. If you highlighted your text before you opened this window, this box will already have the desired text in it. Click "OK" at the bottom of the window to create the anchor text.

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