You can tab lines, draw lines, or insert border lines across a Microsoft Word document page. If the intent is to type on the lines, use border lines to place multiple lines on a Word document. If the lines will be filled in after the Word document is printed, it's easiest to set a tab where you want the line to start then set another tab where you want the line to end. Other quicker line-making methods exist; however, the repetition required to create them may erode any time gained.
Inserting Border Lines
Video of the Day
Step 1
Click the "Format" button, then "Borders and Shading" on the Standard Toolbar. In the "Borders and Shading" window, click the "Border" tab. Under "Style" choose the style, color, and width of the line.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Click the diagram or one of the buttons in the "Preview" window, where you want to insert the line. Click "Horizontal Line" to insert other different line styles and colors.
Step 3
Click "Options" In the "Borders and Shading" window, to position line distance from the text.
Tabbed Lines
Step 1
Click "View, Ruler, and then check the "Ruler" on the Standard Toolbar. Click "Format" then "Tabs" on the Standard Toolbar. In the "Tab Window" click "Clear all tabs."
Step 2
In the "Tab Stop" window, set a tab for the right margin (6.0 inches or wherever you want the line to end.) Under "Alignment" click "Right." Under "Leader" click "4" or other number listed for the straight line.
Step 3
Click "OK." Press the "Tab" key on the keyboard. A straight line appears. Press "Enter" then press the "Tab" key again for another line. Continue until you have all the lines you need, or copy and paste the lines after you have several on the Word document.
Other Options
Step 1
Press the "Hyphen (-)" key three times then press "Enter" to place a solid line across the page. Hold down the "Shift" key and press the "Underline ( _ )" key three times. Release both keys then press "Enter" to place a heavier line across the Word document.
Step 2
Press the "Equal (=)" sign three times then press "Enter" to place a double line across the page. Hold down the "Shift" key and press the "Tilde key (~)" key three times. Release both keys then press "Enter" to place a wavy line across the page.
Step 3
Hold down the "Shift" key and press the "Pound (#)" key three times. Release both keys then press "Enter" to place a heavy bordered line across the page. Hold down the "Shift" key and press the "Star (*)" key three times. Release both keys then press "Enter" to draw a heavy broken line across the page.