How to Repair Monitor Heaters

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Airflow obstructions are the most common causes of Monitor heater failure. Blocked air flow can cause the Monitor heater's light to go out shortly after it is ignited. Power connection failure due to overheating can also occur from time to time. Soot on burner parts is often a sign of a loose flue pipe or air intake system barrier. When you understand the particular symptoms of a damaged Monitor heater, you can successfully repair it.


Step 1

Press the "Auto" button if the heater fails to come on. The timer could be in "Auto" mode. Make sure the operation button is depressed to the "On" position.

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Step 2

Check the electrical power source and AC cord connections. Additionally, check the circuit breaker and reset it, if needed.


Step 3

Check for obstructions in the louver and flue pipe and remove any that are found. Soot inside exhaust ports or the burner window are signs that either the combustion fan has stopped working or the air intake system is clogged. Disconnect these parts, clean with a brush if any are really soiled and then reassemble.


Step 4

Tighten the flue pipe. Soot behind the heater, low flames and popping combustion-like sounds are signs that the flue pipe is loose. Turn off the heater and, after the heater has completely cooled down, tighten all loose attachments.


Step 5

Turn the Monitor heater off if it overheats. Wait for it to completely cool down before you unplug it from the electrical outlet. This may take up to an hour. Check the flue pipe, front of the heater and circulation fan for barriers blocking the air flow.

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