How to Save a Query in Access

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Save Access queries by using the "Save" icon on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Access is the database component of the Microsoft Office suite. Databases let you configure large quantities of data into concise queries and reports. The queries used in Access let you ask a question of your database. Based on the criteria entered, you can find data from millions of records. Access queries can be performed manually using select queries or automatically by using the query wizard. Either method lets you choose which fields are used during the query.


Step 1

Open Access 2007 and select a database you created earlier. Select the "Office" button and select "Open." Browse your computer and locate the database. Click on the database and click "Open." The database opens.

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Step 2

Create a query by using the "Create" tab on the ribbon. Select "Query Design." The Show Table dialog box appears. Click on the table that the query will be applied to. Click "Add." Click "Close."


Step 3

Double-click on the fields you want included in your query. Add criteria you want to include in your query. Type the criteria in the "Criteria" field. Run the query by clicking on the "Run" button. View your query results.


Step 4

Save your query by clicking on the "Save" icon on the Quick Access Toolbar. Give your query a name that identities it. Your query can begin with "Qry_" to indicate that it is a query. Click "OK" once you have named your query. Your named query appears in your query list.

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