Selling server space for the purpose of hosting web sites, blogs, or web based applications is a long running and proven business.
Step 1
Set up your web server. You can either build one, purchase one, or rent space on an existing web server. Next you will need to insure the server is connected to a high speed internet connection with a dedicated ip address. Then purchase a domain name and configure name servers such as ns1.yourdomain.com and ns2.yourdomain.com. This will allow those buying web server space from you to point their domains to your web server. Ensure the necessary programs and software are installed, such as the Linux Operating System, Apache Server software, PHP programming environment, and MySQL databases.
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Step 2
Select your administration software. One of the most automatic and easy to use web server administration software is the combination of cPanel and Web Host Manger (WHM). This will allow you to quickly and easily setup new web sites on your server, perform administrative tasks, as well as give limited control and configuration to your customers.
Step 3
Set up hosting packages. You should create different price points for different packages which include different features and level of storage space and bandwidth. This can be easily done with WHM. Make sure to assign the correct package when setting up a new site for a customer. Changes or upgrades can be easily made as well.
Step 4
Create a web site to advertise, display the pricing and details of each package, and to take credit card orders is an effective and helpful way to bring in new customers. Create language about support, terms of conditions, ways to order, information about your company, and more.
Step 5
Set up a PayPal account to accept credit card payments. One of the most cost effective and easiest ways to accept recurring monthly billing through credit cards is with PayPal subscriptions. Creating a PayPal account is free with a 3 to 5 percent fee charged to each order. PayPal is a commonly used method and allows for purchase with a PayPal account, credit card, or debit card. When configured correctly the order will automatically bill each month, year, or whatever period you set up. You can easily email an invoice with a payment link or embed the payment link into your web site.
Step 6
Create or rent a daily backup solution so that your data and those of your clients are protected from any viruses, hacker attempts, or hardware or software failures. Explain your backup policy to your customers in your terms of agreement and determine any potential problems or limitations ahead of time.
Step 7
Set up a fee structure for additional services. This includes advanced support, site or data restoration, custom coding, custom configuration, web design, and more. By offering these additional services you can increase your income and continue to meet the needs of your customers.
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