How to Create a Pixel Website of Your Own

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Pixel websites are a creative way to promote your product or service. Pixel websites can also be used as a way to create excitement, or drum up support for a cause or charity. The idea on which most pixel sites are built on originated with Alex Tew, a student from Wiltshire, England. He had the idea of selling 10x10 blocks of pixels on his website for $100.00 each. Tew claimed that the money would go to help him pay for his education.


Step 1

Obtain a creative domain name likely to attract a large number of visitors on a regular basis.

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Step 2

Purchase a reliable website hosting plan from a provider. Ensure that the host you choose is able to meet the future needs of your website. Research the bandwidth, memory and other services the host provides. Look for a host who provides at least 10GB of memory and 750GB of bandwidth; also ensure that they provide essential services like PHP and mySQL support. Inquire about hosting plans and choose the most adequate one for your needs.


Step 3

Install a script that sets up a million-pixel sales system onto your website. You can also commission people who write code to write you a custom pixel script. Set up the script by creating a new SQL database, and upload all the files that were provided to you in the script to your Web server. Access the admin panel of the script and configure the script to your liking.



Step 4

Consider your pricing strategy for pixel space as it compares to other pixel websites, and think of ways to make your pixel website more competitive when it comes to attracting potential advertisers. Design your own creative implementations of pixel space sales, and attempt to take them to potential advertisers.

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