How to Set Up a Pay Per View Website

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Pay per view websites charge users to view content.

Pay per view websites charge visitors to view content. Setting up a pay per view website involves creating content, allowing only paying visitors to view the content, and testing the pay per view features. A pay per view website can be used for any type of content, including documents such as e-books or reports, video and audio.


Step 1

Use a content management system if you are new to web development. Install a content management system on your web server. Web hosting services often have automatic install options for popular content management systems such as WordPress and Joomla.

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Step 2

Install pay per view controls. You'll need to install software on your web hosting service to provide pay per view access controls. For example, if you are using WordPress, you can install a membership plug-in (or add-on module), such as WishList Member, that allows you to charge visitors (or members) for viewing content.


Step 3

Generate your pay per view content. Create compelling text, video, audio or multimedia content that will motivate your site visitors to pay for viewing it. Reduce user frustration by providing your content in standard formats viewable by a majority of Internet users.

Step 4

Build pages to hold your content. Your content is placed within a page of your website. If you're building your site by hand, then code pages in HTML or another mark-up language. Or, simply add pages if you're using a content management system. Content management systems make adding new pages easy and fast, especially for novice web developers.


Step 5

Place your content pages under pay per view control. Control access to your pages with pay per view content by placing code on them to indicate to your pay per view system that the pages can only be accessed by paying visitors.


Step 6

Transfer your content pages to your web hosting service. Upload your pages and content via FTP if you're building the site by hand. If you're using a content management system, simply publish your content pages using your system's publishing method.


Step 7

Test your pay per view system. You'll need to make sure that your pay per view pages are secure from non-paying visitors and that you can actually take a payment and make the content viewable to a paying visitor. Approach your site as a new visitor would and test the pay per view features thoroughly.

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