How to Start a Toshiba Laptop in Safe Mode

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Toshiba laptops that run the Windows operating system have a special boot mode called "Safe Mode," just like all other computers that run Windows. Safe Mode starts your Toshiba laptop without any extra drivers or programs, opting to instead start with the bare minimum amount of drivers that the operating system requires to operate. This makes Safe Mode ideal for troubleshooting and virus removal purposes.


Step 1

Turn on your computer. If your computer is already on, restart it.

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Step 2

Tap the "F8" key repeatedly as the computer starts up. You can stop pressing "F8" once you see a list of Safe Mode types appear on the advanced startup menu.


Step 3

Select the type of Safe Mode you want to boot into by using your up and down arrow keys. Once you have selected a Safe Mode type, press the "Enter" key to boot your computer in Safe Mode.


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