How to Change Your VPN Password

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Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are computer networks in which users are connected to the network across open Internet connections. A VPN makes use of secure connection features and decentralized authentication methods in order to create a network that's both efficient and secure. VPNs are popular for use by company employees who must travel while requiring access to network resources. A common task for VPN users is changing the VPN password when not on-site at your workplace.


Step 1

Log on to your VPN.

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Step 2

Enter the "CTRL+ALT+DEL" keys simultaneously and select the "Change a Password" menu option.

Step 3

Enter a new password. Then depress the "CTRL+ALT+DEL" keys simultaneously and select the "Lock the Computer" menu option. Immediately unlock your computer. This action will update your cached VPN login information and your VPN password will be updated.


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