How Can I Create a CFG File?

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The CFG file extension denotes a configuration file. In the Windows operating system, configuration files are often named "config.cfg" or a similar file name with the ".cfg" file extension. CFG files are text-based files that you can create and view in a text editor. In many cases, Windows installations automatically create these configuration files for applications. To create your own CFG file, use Windows' native text editor Notepad.


Step 1

Click "Start" and "All Programs."

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Step 2

Click the "Accessories" folder to expand the contents, then click "Notepad." Alternatively, right-click on the Windows desktop, click "New" and "Text Document" to create a new text document in Notepad.


Step 3

Type the fields and values in the configuration file. For example, a configuration file may be formatted as:

var0 = low var1 = med var2 = high

Step 4

Click the "File" option on the top navigation bar and click "Save."



Step 5

Type the name of the configuration file, along with the ".cfg" file extension in quotes in the "File Name" input box. For example, type "config.cfg" and include the quotes around the file name and extension in the "File Name" input box.

Step 6

Cllck the "Save" button. The CFG file is created.

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