How Can I Get Rid of the Magnifier on My Computer Screen?

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Magnifier in Windows 7 and Windows 8 zooms into a portion of your screen to make objects easier to see. If you opened Magnifier by accident, you can easily close the utility using a keyboard shortcut or with the click of your mouse. Alternatively, if you want to stop Magnifier from launching automatically at startup, you can disable the utility through the Control Panel.


Close Magnifier

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Press "Windows-Esc," or click the magnifying glass icon and then click the "X" on the top right side of the window.

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Disable Magnifier at Startup

For Windows 7, click "Start" and then click "Control Panel." For Windows 8, press "Windows-X" and then click "Control Panel." Type "access" into the search box and then select "Ease of Access Center" from the results. Click "Make the Computer Easier to See" and then scroll down to Make Things on the Screen Larger. Uncheck "Turn on Magnifier" and then click "OK."



