How to Add Font to Paint

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Many photo sharing websites allow you to type captions when you upload your images. However, there may be times when you would like to add a caption directly to an image, perhaps because you would like to print the image and add it to a photo book. Microsoft Paint is a free tool included with all Windows computers. In Paint you can add a text caption to your image and you can use any font you like after installing it in Windows.


Install a Font in Windows 7

Video of the Day

Step 1

Download the font that you would like to use in the caption for your picture. The "Resources" section of this article includes three sources for free Windows fonts.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Unzip the downloaded font if it is compressed with a format such as ZIP. In Windows 7, right-click the file and select "Extract" on the context menu. You should now have a file with the extension .TTF. This file contains the font data.


Step 3

Double-click the file with the .TTF extension. A preview window of that font appears.

Step 4

Click the "Install" button at the top of the window. If Windows displays a User Access Control message, click "Continue." Windows installs the font, making it usable in all applications.


Use Your New Font in Paint

Step 1

Launch Microsoft Paint from the Start menu by clicking the Windows logo at the bottom of the screen, typing the word "Paint" in the menu that appears, and clicking the "Paint" icon on the list of search results.


Step 2

Click the blue button in the upper-left corner of the Microsoft Paint window and then click "Open." Use the file browser window to locate the image that you would like to add a font to, and double-click the image to open it in Microsoft Paint.


Step 3

Click the "Home" tab at the top of the window.


Step 4

Click the "A" icon. When you hover the mouse pointer over the correct icon, a pop-up bubble says "Text."

Step 5

Click the area of the image where you would like to add a font, and then type the message that you would like the image to display. After typing the message, click and drag with the mouse pointer to highlight the text.


Step 6

Click the "Font" drop-down menu at the top of the window. If you are using Windows 7, the drop-down menu contains the font "Calibri" by default.

Step 7

Click the font that you would like to add to the image. The highlighted text changes to the new font automatically.

Step 8

Click the floppy disk icon at the top of the window to save the edited image.



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