How to Change the Shipping Service on a Sold eBay Item

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When selling items on eBay, situations may arise where a seller has to use a different shipping method than the one mentioned in the eBay listing. This may be because the buyer has contacted him and requested a different method of shipping, or the chosen method may not be available for shipping to the buyer's address. So long as payment hasn't been received for the items, changing the shipping service used for an eBay sale can be accomplished by generating a new invoice with the correct service selected.


Things You'll Need

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  • eBay user ID and password

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Step 1

Log in to your eBay account by clicking the "Sign In" link near the top of the page and entering your user ID and password when prompted. Move your mouse over the "My eBay" tab once you've signed in and click "Selling" in the drop-down menu to access your seller account.


Step 2

Navigate to the "Sold" listings on your seller account page, and locate the item you need to change the shipping service for. Click the "More Actions" link to access the list of seller actions you can take; locate the "Contact Buyer" and "Send Invoice" entries.


Step 3

Click "Contact Buyer" to send a message to the buyer informing her that you will be changing the shipping method for the item and that she will receive a new invoice. Explain the reason for the change and instruct her not to pay the previous invoice and to wait until the new invoice is received to submit her payment.


Step 4

Return to the "Sold" listings on your eBay seller account page, selecting "Send Invoice" from the actions menu. Make the necessary adjustments to the shipping method and cost in the invoice template, and click the button to send the invoice. Your buyer will be sent a copy of the invoice and the shipping price of the item will update on her "My eBay" page.



Tips & Warnings

  • If you are an eBay buyer who wishes to change the shipping service used for items you have won or purchased, contact the seller through your "My eBay" page as soon as possible and inform him of this. Make sure that you inform him of the change before you've submitted a payment for the item you want to make changes to.
  • You can only change the shipping method and cost on invoices that have not been paid and that are for listings that ended within the past 30 days. If you have already received payment, you will have to issue a refund before you could change information on the invoice. Note that it is not necessary to update the invoice to use a different shipping method, though it is necessary to change the cost of shipping through eBay.

