How to Connect a Logitech Wireless Keyboard

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Logitech's wireless keyboards offer convenience and freedom from cords, but before you start typing away, you'll need to properly connect your keyboard. Connection is similar across multiple keyboard models. As plug-and-play devices, they don't require you to manually install software to use your keyboard, but Logitech does offer optional software to add additional functionality to some keyboards.


Step 1

Plug the wireless USB receiver that came with your Logitech keyboard into an open USB slot on your computer. If your keyboard came with a wireless extender, you can use it to boost range. Logitech suggests using the extender with desktop computers. Plug the extender into an open USB port, then plug the wireless receiver into the extender.


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Step 2

Remove the battery tab or tabs sticking out of your keyboard's battery bay. New Logitech keyboards ship with batteries installed, so you won't need to put any in now.



Step 3

Locate your keyboard's power switch and move it to the "On" position. It's typically on the underside, or the upper-right corner of the keyboard.

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