How to Connect a Macbook to the Sony Bravia

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Sony is an electronics corporation that manufactures more than just their popular PlayStation video game consoles. Sony has a hand in many electronic devices, such as portable music players, digital cameras and televisions. In fact, Sony has an entire line of Bravia high-definition TVs available for purchase. Besides providing broadcasts in 1080p resolution, Sony Bravia feature two HDMI ports, which comes in handy when attempting to connect other devices to the TV. Laptop computers--Apple Macbooks specifically--can connect to the Bravia using HDMI cables.


Step 1

Connect a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter to the Macbook. In order to connect the Macbook to the Sony Bravia, you need to use HDMI cables. Apple Macbooks do not contain any HDMI ports. The Macbook's Mini DisplayPort and an adapter should be used instead. Attach the Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter into the available Mini DisplayPort.


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Step 2

Combine the HDMI cable with the adapter. Using the open end of the Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter, connect a HDMI cable into the open slot of the adapter.

Step 3

Connect a mini-pin audio cable to the Macbook. Insert one end of the mini-pin audio cable into the open audio/in slot on the side of the laptop (3.5mm headphones also fit into the Macbook's audio/in slot).


Step 4

Attach the Macbook to the Sony Bravia. Connect the open end of the HDMI cable (that's attached to the Macbook) into one of the HDMI "In" ports on the back of the television. Additionally, plug in the mini-pin audio cable into the "PC/HDMI Audio In" slot in the rear of the Bravia.



Step 5

Turn on the Macbook's display mode. Press the Macbook's "Fn" key and "F10" at the same time to transfer the Macbook's display to the television.

Step 6

View the Macbook's display on the Bravia television. Using your remote, select the input button to change the television input. Select the "HDMI 1" or "HDMI 2" output to display the Macbbok's screen on the television. When finished, disconnect the HDMI cable and audio cable from both the Bravia and the Macbook.

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