How to Convert a Visio Diagram to a PDF or Word Document

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Visio is a program in the Microsoft Office suite which is used for creating business and technical drawings. Users of this program can choose from templates or draw free hand to create easy to understand maps for office layout, network configurations or urban planning diagrams. If you use Visio and would like other people to be able to view your drawings, you will need to convert them to PDF or a Word document.


Converting a Visio Drawing to PDF

Video of the Day

Step 1

Download Adobe Reader if it is not installed on your computer. The Adobe Reader will allow you to open the PDF file you are about to create. Open the setup file and follow the instructions to install the program.


Video of the Day

Step 2

Open Visio. Click on the folder icon on the top bar to bring up the "Open" dialog box. Search your folders for the Visio drawing you wish to open. Click on it to select it and click on the "Open" button.

Step 3

Click on the "File" menu button to bring up the a pull down menu with a list of commands. Click on the "Publish as PDF or XPS" command.


Step 4

Browse thorough your folders to select where you want the PDF to be saved. Rename the file if you wish in the text box. Click on the pull down menu next to "Save as type" and select PDF. Make sure the box next to "Open File After Publishing" is checked to open the PDF. Click on the "Publish" button.


Visio to Word

Step 1

Open the Visio file by clicking on the "Open" icon, searching for the file and clicking "Open."

Step 2

Click on the "File" button on the top menu bar to bring up the File commands. Click on "Save As" to open the Save As dialog box.



Step 3

Search for the location you would like to save the new file and rename it if need be. Then click on the pull down menu next to "Save as type" to bring up a drop down menu with all file types. Save the file as a graphics type (e.g. JPEG, Bitmap). Click on the "Save" button. Close Visio.


Step 4

Open MS Word. Click on the "Insert" button in the top menu bar and select "Picture" and then "From File." Browse through your folders until you locate the file you just created. Click on it to highlight it and then click "Insert." This will insert the picture into the document.

Step 5

Click on "File > Save As" to save the Word document. Once saved, close Word



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