DWG files are AutoCAD drawing files. If you have some DWG files that you want to be able to view and use in Visio, you need to convert those DWG files to VSD files, which is the Visio file format. There are currently no AutoCAD converter programs that support the DWG to VSD conversion. However, you can actually easily convert your DWG file to VSD from within Visio if you have the program on your computer.
Step 1
Get Visio installed on your computer if you do not already have it on your computer. You can get Visio from the Microsoft Office website. You can try it for free online, get a free 60 day trial or pay to download the software. 2009 Visio price: $259.95.
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Step 2
Close all open programs on your computer. Open up Visio on your computer.
Step 3
Click "File" and select "Open" from the menu. This will bring up the ope file dialog box.
Step 4
Use the drop down menu in the open file dialog box to select AutoCAD files as the file type that you wish to open. This will enable you to open AutoCAD DWG and DXF files in Visio. Select the DWG file that you want to convert and click "Open."
Step 5
Verify that the open file is the one that you want to convert. Use your mouse to right click on the DWG file on your screen. When you do this, a menu will appear and you will need to point your mouse on "CAD Drawing Object" to get more options. Select "Convert."
Step 6
Select the layers of the DWG file that you want to convert in the CAD conversion screen that has appeared. Click "OK" when you are done and the file will convert for you.
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