SolidWorks is a three-dimensional design and simulation program. It is used by engineers and architects. The program is similar to CAD software. There are times when you receive a three-dimensional PDF file or even a regular file as a blueprint for your work. It is a simple process to convert a PDF file to SolidWorks. SolidWorks files save with the extensions SLDASM and SLDPR. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can convert your PDF to SolidWorks.
Step 1
Download, install and open SolidWorks.
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Step 2
Click "File" in the toolbar. It is located in the upper-left corner of the software window.
Step 3
Click "Open" in the drop-down menu.
Step 4
Select the PDF file you want to convert. Double-click on the file. The file opens in the SolidWorks window.
Step 5
Click "Save." The "Save" button is located in the upper-left corner of the toolbar. Type the title of the PDF. Click on the "Arrow" below the title. A drop-down menu appears.
Step 6
Choose the file extension SLDASM or SLDPR to save the PDF as a SolidWorks file. Click "Save." Your PDF is now converted to a SolidWorks file.
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