How to Convert VSD Files to PPT Format

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Visio is used to make charts and graphs

Microsoft's Visio program is used to create detailed charts and graphs for use in other programs. The file extension for Visio files is VSD. Microsoft Powerpoint is the presentation software in Microsoft Office. Powerpoint files have the extension PPT. You can place Visio files into a Powerpoint presentation, but doing so isn't a simple drag and drop operation; however, you can convert the VSD files into a Powerpoint-accepted format.


Step 1

Launch Microsoft Visio and open up your VSD file. In Visio, click on "File" > "Save As." In the Save As window that opens click on the drop-down menu next to the words "Save As Type." On that menu select "WMF" and then save it. WMF is an image file that we'll use to insert your chart into Powerpoint.


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Step 2

Launch Powerpoint and make one blank slide. Next, click "Insert" > "Picture" > "From File." In the box that opens, find your WMF file you saved in Visio and double click on it. This will insert your Visio work into the Powerpoint slide.


Step 3

Click on "File" > "Save." Next, name your Powerpoint project, choose where you want to save it, and click "Save." The file is saved in PPT format.

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