The Adobe Creative Suite includes specialized software for almost every aspect of digital media production. Adobe Photoshop is among the oldest and most respected software title created by Adobe. Photoshop was designed to enhance photographs and combine photographic elements with computer-generated effects to create amazing digital images. Within Adobe Photoshop CS4 is an image processor designed specifically to apply effects and convert multiple photo images into other formats. This function is also known as "batch" processing, and refers to multiple images being manipulated automatically according to settings entered by the user.
Step 1
Launch Adobe Photoshop CS4 and open the first image you want to convert from color to black and white.
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Step 2
Select "Window" from the main menu, then select "Actions" to display the Actions window.
Step 3
Click the small triangle pointing downward to the right of the Actions tab to display the Actions sub-menu, then click on the "New Action" menu selection.
Step 4
In the New Action dialogue box, name the action "Color to Grayscale" and press the "Record" button.
Step 5
Select "Image," choose "Mode" and click "Grayscale" from the main menu. Click the "Discard" button if a dialogue box appears asking if you want to discard the color information. Press the "Stop" icon at the bottom right corner of the Actions window. Close the Actions window
Step 6
Select "File," choose "Scripts" then click "Image Processor" from the menu. From the Image Processor dialogue box, click the "Select Folder" button to select the source folder containing the photo images you want to convert to black and white. If the folder contains sub-folders you also want processed, check the "Include All sub-folders" box.
Step 7
Select the destination folder where you want the converted images stored. Click "Save in Same Location" if you want them saved with the source folders. Otherwise, designate a new location by clicking the "Select Folder" button. Check "Keep folder structure" if you have sub-folders you want preserved in the destination folder.
Step 8
Choose the type of file you want the new images saved as. You can select from JPEG, PSD or TIFF file formats. Checking the "Resize to Fit" box allows all images to be converted to the same size. This option a convenient feature for use in print or web pages where images need to be inserted using pre-formatted sizes.
Step 9
Check the "Run Action" box in the Preferences section, then make sure "Default Actions" is selected from the drop-down menu. Choose the "Color to Grayscale" action you created in Step 4 from the next drop-down menu.
Step 10
Click the "Run" button to begin the batch image conversion. Photoshop will now convert all the images in the source folder you designated to black and white images. These converted images will be placed in the destination you selected in Step 7.
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