How to Convert PDF to JPEG in Photoshop

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You can use Adobe Photoshop to convert a PDF image or document to a JPEG image. If you are converting a PDF multi-page document, you will have to open and save each page as a separate image. There are three JPEG formats available in Photoshop. Optimized formatting creates optimized colors with a smaller file size, but is not supported by all Web browsers. Progressive formatting allows some Web browsers to quickly show a low-quality image and then increase its detail as the image continues to load. Standard, or baseline, formatting is supported by most Web browsers.


Step 1

Open Photoshop. Click the "File" menu and select "Open." Locate your PDF in the dialog box and click "Open."

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Step 2

Select which pages you want to open, if it is a multi-page PDF document, by clicking on the thumbnails. Each page will open in a separate window.


Step 3

Edit or adjust the size of each PDF page as desired.

Step 4

Click the "File" menu and select "Save As." The Format menu will open. Select "JPEG."

Step 5

Click "Image Options." Select the quality of your image. You can do this by dragging the Quality slider, selecting an option from the Quality menu or typing a number between 0 and 12 in the text box. The higher the number, the higher quality and larger the JPEG file size will be.


Step 6

Select a "Format Option." You can choose from "Baseline (Standard)," "Optimized" or "Progressive."

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