How to Create an SMB Shortcut on My Mac's Desktop

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Microsoft Windows and Apple computers use Server Message Block to control file and printer sharing between connected computers and devices. When an Apple computer can't use the SMB file service, it attempts to use the Apple File Protocol service. The AFB service functions as the Mac equivalent to the SMB service. The protocol also works with other operating systems, such as Linux. When a Mac connects to another network using the SMB service, the network is shown in the Shared section of the Finder. Provided you've already connected to the server that you want to view, you can create a shortcut on your Desktop to quickly access the files on the SMB server.


Step 1

Click "Finder" in the Dock.

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Step 2

Select the "Finder" menu and select "Preferences..." from the drop-down menu.

Step 3

Select the "General" tab and check the "Connected Servers" box. This shows any connected servers on your desktop.


Step 4

Click "Finder" again and select the network you want to access from the Shared section.


Step 5

Double-click any of the folders on the network server to mount them and add them to your desktop. To create a permanent shortcut that appears regardless of the current connection to the server, drag folders or files from the server to the desktop. This creates a shortcut on your desktop.

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