How to Fix a Shadow on a TV

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After a while, you may notice shadows on your TV's display. This usually happens because the TV's blue, red and green color picture tubes have separated. When this occurs, shadows of the images appear because the convergence has drifted. Fix the problem by realigning the color tubes to display the images on the screen correctly.


Step 1

Tighten up the cable lines to the TV and the cable wall terminal that connects to the outside cable line.

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Step 2

Turn the TV on and let it warm up for at least 30 minutes if the shadow is still present.


Step 3

Press the "TouchFocus" button on the TV's front panel. Wait until the "Touch Focus Finished" message appears, then press the "Exit" button if the TV does not automatically return to a regular viewing channel.

Step 4

Press the "Menu" button on the TV's front panel or remote control if your TV does not have a TouchFocus button, or the shadow is still present. Select "Convergence" and press the "Enter" button.


Step 5

Select "Blue" or "Red." Use the arrow buttons on the remote control to overlap the cross-hairs until the red or blue lines converge into a single white cross-hair. If you selected "Blue" earlier, go back and select "Red" if you need to converge that color. Two single white cross-hairs are displayed when convergence is correct. Press the "Exit" button when finished.


Step 6

Press the number on the remote control. Select a number from one through four or six through nine that corresponds to the screen area you want to converge. Many TV models have assigned screen area numbers that identify convergence areas; refer to your TV owner's user manual for the specific information.



Step 7

Press "Blue" or "Red" based on which color needs converging. Use the arrow buttons on the remote control to overlap the cross-hairs until the red or blue lines converge into a single white cross-hair. If you selected "Blue" earlier, go back and select "Red" if you need to converge that color. Verify that two single white-cross hairs are displayed.


Step 8

Press the "Exit" button once if you want to converge another screen area; otherwise, press it twice to exit. Press another number on the remote control -- from one through four or six through nine -- that corresponds to the screen area you want to converge. Use the arrow buttons on the remote control to overlap the cross-hairs until the red or blue lines converge into a single white cross-hair. Press the "Exit" button twice when finished.

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