How to Fix Cloudy Spots in LCD TV Screens

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You can fix cloudy spots.
Image Credit: Dennis Fischer Photography/Moment/GettyImages

A cloudy LCD screen often requires a few simple tweaks to the display settings for a quick fix. In some cases however, the clouding requires professional repair or a new television altogether. Begin by playing with the settings before seeking a replacement or expensive repair. In some cases, minimizing the clouding will make the television a while longer at the least.


Clean the Exterior

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Begin by cleaning the exterior to ensure the screen is not clouded by dust and other foreign objects. Ideally, clean it with a soft, microfiber cloth. You can feasibly clean the exterior with a damp cloth, only use a dry cloth on the screen. Pay close attention to the screen texture and look for any spots that are clearly caused by foreign matter stuck to the exterior.


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While foreign objects are often not present in quantities that will cloud a screen, cleaning will offer a better view of the screen and help while adjusting the display settings. A clean screen will also improve overall picture quality and create a better viewing experience. Clean your screen on a regular basis with a soft microfiber cloth to stay ahead of dust buildup.


Adjust the Settings

The display settings can reveal and amplify screen clouding. Making a few simple adjustments can quickly fix the issue while drastically improving screen quality. The clouding is normal when the screen is displayed in a dark room with a maximum brightness setting. The contrast is too heavy in this situation and it causes the cloudy spots, especially on a blank screen without a video source.


Access the settings menu and navigate to Picture Settings to reduce the backlight level, starting with a small reduction and checking the screen for changes. Return and fine tune the backlight level until the clouding LCD TV is no longer an issue. Only adjusting the backlight is not enough and a few other quick tweaks will help the light sensor and power saving modes level out the brightness.



Next, access the Setup options from the settings and turn the Light Sensor to the On position. In the same menu, access the Power Saving settings and make a note of the designation. If the setting is high, change to low and change to high if the setting is low. This should balance out the levels and clear up cloudy spots.


Dark Area on TV Screen Fix

If there's a dark area on your TV screen, this is similar to a clouding LCD TV effect, and adjusting the settings in the same manner is the best course of action. After making the adjustments, test the television to ensure the changes worked. If clouding remains, continue playing with the brightness settings until the clouded areas are minimized.


Repair and Replacement

Clouding can occur when the physical screen is damaged. This happens from impacts and cracks to the LCD display and these require professional repair or replacement. Do a very close inspection for issues relating to physical damage from mishandling or general wear and tear. Adjusting the settings will not resolve these problems and a more in-depth repair is necessary.



Research the status of your warranty and pursue warranty repair or replacement options if possible. The television may have a warranty that came with the sale and many retailers offer their own warranty as an up-sell at the point of purchase. If you invested in one of these extended warranties, the television may be eligible for a no cost repair or replacement.


If a warranty is not available, get a repair quote and compare the cost of repair to the cost of purchasing a new model. A new television may have a price point that justifies purchase over repair.


