How to Get a Blank Page for Typing

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How to Get a Blank Page for Typing
Image Credit: katleho Seisa/E+/GettyImages

If you are using a computer word processor to create a document, a situation may arise where you need to access a completely blank page. This could be for a variety of reasons, ranging from formatting needs to specific publishing requirements. Although many word processors today feature their own unique suite of tools and resources, virtually all software packages allow individuals to create a new blank page for typing. In fact, you can create this page typing sheet using a few relatively straightforward steps.


Basics of Creating a Blank Page

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As mentioned previously, virtually all word processors being used today feature a relatively similar toolkit that allows users to accomplish a nearly identical set of tasks at any given time. With that in mind, you should be able to use the information included here and adapt it relatively easily for a variety of word processors which you may prefer using. Given the fact that Google Docs is one of the most popular word processing applications in existence today and is also free to use, this particular platform will be used throughout this discussion to provide relevant examples.


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Before you can begin creating a new blank page for your document, you will need to determine precisely where this page should be found in the overall context of your content as a whole, as well as the specific point in any pre-existing content where the break should occur. For example, if you would like to introduce a blank page following a specific sentence, the process for doing this will be slightly different than if you want a new blank page following an already completed page of content.


Exploring the Basics of Page Breaks

When you create a blank page in a document, you are essentially introducing what is referred to as a 'page break.' A page break can generally be defined as a noticeable delineation between existing content and a new blank page (which may or may not be filled with new content at your discretion). Whether you are using Google Docs or other popular platforms such as Microsoft Word, the concept of the page break is prevalent.


If you have decided that you would like to introduce a new blank page of content at a point prior to the end of the previous page, you will need to manually insert the page break. In order to do this, first position your cursor at the exact spot on the pre-existing page of text where you would like to transition to a new blank page. Next, move your cursor to the "Insert" tab at the top of the screen. After you click this particular tab, you should notice the option for a "Break" near the bottom of the drop-down menu. When you position your cursor over this word, you will likely see the option for a "Page break" or a "Column break." If you select the "Page break" option, you will notice that a new page has been created in your document.



If there was more content after the specific spot where you initiated the page break, this text will appear on the newly created page. If there was no additional content, the new page should be entirely blank.

Blank Page After a Full Page

When you have completely filled a page with text or images, creating a new blank slate can be as simple as pressing the "Return" key following the last line of text on the page. At this point, a blank typing sheet should be created. If you press the return key on the last line of the previous page but have positioned your cursor in the midpoint of a sentence or text, the material appearing after your cursor will be moved to the new page.


