How to Insert a File Path in PowerPoint

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While a Microsoft PowerPoint slide show may be associated with someone standing at a laptop or computer in front of a dark room and reading the projected slide show, a PowerPoint may also be created to distribute for people to view on their own at a computer or website. In these cases, you're able to add dynamics to your slide show such as clickable links, or hyperlinks, which will take your audience further to more information about your presentation. Insert a link into PowerPoint with just a few clicks.


Step 1

Open PowerPoint and click the "File" tab at the top of the screen. Click the "Open" option and browse to a presentation to add a hyperlink into. Double-click the file and the slide show opens on the PowerPoint screen.

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Step 2

Double-click a small slide on the left side of the screen holding the words or text to hyperlink. If you don't see the slide, use the vertical scroll bar to scroll to it. Double-click it and it appears in the main pane of the PowerPoint workspace.


Step 3

Highlight the bullet point, word or phrase to hyperlink. Right-click the highlighted area and select "Hyperlink" to open the "Insert Hyperlink" window.

Step 4

Type the hyperlink address in the "Address" bar at the bottom of the window. Don't forget to add the "http://" extension, such as "" in the front.



Step 5

Click the "OK" button to close the "Insert Hyperlink" window and return to your slide. Notice the hyperlinked section is now in blue and has an underline on it, signifying it is a clickable link.

Step 6

Add more hyperlinks to the slide show or click the "File" tab and select "Save As." Type a new name for the presentation or save it to overwrite the original.

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