Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 provides the ability to create rich slide-show presentations. The application includes many built-in features, such as preset color themes, transitions that can make slides fade in or out as they are changed and the ability to add video or audio clips to individual slides. In addition you can embed files from other applications, such as Microsoft Word and Excel, in to a presentation, allow you to either display the content in the presentation or link to it directly from the presentation by clicking an icon.
Embedding a Document or Spreadsheet
Video of the Day
Step 1
Select the destination slide for the object.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Click "Object" on the Insert tab of the Ribbon.
Step 3
Choose to either create a new file or select an existing file.
Step 4
Remove the check mark from the "Link" box, or leave it if you want the embedded file to reflect any future changes you make to the original file.
Step 5
Select "Display as icon" to show just an icon in your presentation. To display actual content in the presentation, remove this check mark.
Step 6
Click "OK." The object appears in the presentation.
Embedding Audio and Video
Step 1
Select the slide you want to add a multimedia effect to by clicking on it.
Step 2
Click the "Insert" tab in the Ribbon at the top of the screen.
Step 3
Locate the "Media" group. To insert an audio file, click "Audio." To insert video, click "Video."
Step 4
Select the appropriate option from the drop-down. When inserting multimedia, you can choose to use clip art or a file from your computer.
Step 5
Locate the multimedia file you want to add in the dialog box and click it to select it. Click "Insert" to complete the process.