How to Add a Word Document to PowerPoint

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PowerPoint slides offer room to place text, graphics, video, sound and documents imported from other software programs, such as PowerPoint's Microsoft Office Suite partner, Word. You can add a Word document to a PowerPoint slide just as quickly as any other type of file and thus merge two pieces of the Microsoft puzzle together.


Step 1

Open PowerPoint. To add a Word document to an existing presentation, click the "File" tab, click "Open," browse to the presentation, double-click it and press the "Page Down" key to get to the slide to add the Word file onto. Otherwise, PowerPoint has already started a blank slide.


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Step 2

Click the "Insert" tab. Click the "Object" button in the middle of the ribbon below the tab. The "Insert Object" window opens.

Step 3

Click the "Create from file" radio button. Click the "Browse" button and browse to the Word document to add.



Step 4

Double-click the Word document to return to the "Insert Object" window. Click the "OK" button to close the window and add the Word file to the PowerPoint slide.

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