How to Make a Timeline in Keynote

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Keynote is a computer application that is used to create presentations.

Keynote is an iWork application that is the MAC equivalent of Microsoft Powerpoint. Keynote can be used to create presentations by allowing the user to edit and produce ordered electronic slides. The user has a plethora of tools and options available within the Keynote application, such as optional themed background designs, a variety of text fonts and sizes, shapes, tables, charts, images, movies, and sound clips. For users creating presentations in which a time line would be helpful or essential, Keynote’s format allows for the simple construction of such demonstrations.


Step 1

Open your Keynote application. A menu of background themes will open automatically. Choose your background theme from the available options by double clicking on the theme of your choice. Scroll to the slide that you wish to contain your time line. Place your arrow on the slide; double click your mouse to start the editing process.


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Step 2

Click on the green “Shapes” option on the tool bar located at the top of your page. Select the diagonal line option. It is the first option on the “Shapes” drop down menu. A diagonal line will appear on your page. Point your arrow at small square box located at the end of the diagonal line; turn it, until it becomes horizontal. You can hold down your mouse key and drag the end of the line to adjust its length. Drag the line to your preferred location on the page. If your time line is going to be the only information on the page, you may place it in the center of the page.


Step 3

Click on the “Text” option on the tool bar at the top of your page. This will cause a text box to open. Type the first date for you time line in the text box. You can adjust the size and type of font by highlighting your text and clicking on the “Fonts” option on the tool bar. Click on your text box and drag your starting date below your line on the left end of the line. Repeat this process, until you have filled in all relevant dates.


Step 4

Click on the “Text” option to create a new text box for each event that will be listed on your time line. Point your arrow on the text box, hold down your mouse button and drag the text box to the appropriate corresponding time designation on top of your line. Repeat this process for all events that you wish to include on your time line.


Step 5

Click on the green “Shapes” option on the tool bar once again to create vertical lines to connect your text boxes with the horizontal time line. Select the diagonal line option. A diagonal line will appear on your page. Point your arrow at small square box located at the end of the diagonal line and turn it until it becomes vertical. You can hold down your mouse key and drag the end of the line to adjust its length. Drag and adjust the vertical line until it connects your text box with the main line.

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