How to Make an Image 8.5 by 11 in Microsoft Paint

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Microsoft Paint, the Windows operating system's basic graphics package, comes with tools to paint, draw, add shapes and text to pictures. But Paint also offers full functionality to resize images or plot your preferred image size right off the bat. When you're working with a standard piece of copy paper at 8.5 inches by 11 inches, Paint's quick-sizing process will have you adjusting your canvas in a few clicks.


Step 1

Open Paint. To change an existing image into an 8.5 inch by 11 inch image, click the Paint button in the top-left corner of the screen, go to the image and double-click it. Otherwise, Paint opens a default blank canvas, usually the same size as the one previously worked with.

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Step 2

Click the Paint button again and select "Properties." If you did not open an existing image, you only need to click the Paint button one time, then click "Properties."


Step 3

Type "8.5" into the "Width" box and "11" into the "Height" box. Click the "Inches" button under "Units." Click the "OK" button and Paint resizes the work and/or image area.


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