How to Put a Greater Than or Equal to Sign in a Word Document

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Calculate some extra steps to add equations into Word document math strings.
Image Credit: moodboard/moodboard/Getty Images

Mathematical philosophers know that most equations aren't always as simple as one plus one equals two. With Microsoft Word, inserting a greater than or equal to sign into your Word document can be as simple as pressing the Equal keyboard key or the Greater Than keyboard key, but there is also a way to insert these characters as actual equations. It requires a tour through some of Word's back-end features to make everything add up.


Step 1

Launch Word 2013 and open the document to insert the symbols. Click the "File" tab, click the "Info" link and click the "Convert" button. Click "OK" in the pop-up warning window. Skip this step if your document was created with Word 2013.

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Step 2

Scroll to the equation and click it to enable the purple Equation Tools tab and ribbon. Note that if you do not have a Word 2013 equation and it is not clicked, this tab and ribbon do not appear.


Step 3

Click the "Design" tab and scroll through the symbols collection.


Step 4

Position the cursor where you want to add the equal to or greater than sign. These appear in the Basic Math section.

Step 5

Click once on each symbol to add them to your equation.

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