How to Reinstall an Acer Aspire

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If you're the proud owner of an Acer Aspire and you've recently begun to experience problems such as extreme system slow downs, program freezing and other issues you may need to reinstall your PC. Thankfully, Acer makes this extremely easy, thanks to a built-in Windows Restore function that can be implemented right from your system start up.


Step 1

Turn on your PC and wait for the "Acer Splash Screen" to appear. This is the screen that has the Acer logo and is one of the first screens you will see.

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Step 2

Press the "Alt" key and "F10" keys at the same time when you see the splash screen until you are brought to the "Windows eRecovery Options Screen."


Step 3

Choose the Windows Installation option from the main screen. You will be prompted so you are aware that all information currently on your drive will be lost.

Step 4

Choose which Windows Operating system you want to overwrite. Typically you will only have one Operating System and you can simply press the "1" key. If you have, for instance, Linux as your first OS and Windows as your second OS, you will need to press the number that corresponds to the OS you are replacing.



Step 5

Choose to partition your C:/ drive or whichever drive your Windows OS is installed on. This will completely reformat your drive and install a fresh copy of Windows. Allow the process to run and your drive will format, and then Windows will reinstall to your computer.

Step 6

Request a recovery CD from Acer if the Alt + F10 option does not work. You can find Acer Support in the "Additional Resources Section" at the bottom of this page. You will then follow the exact same steps as listed above after booting the computer with the CD in the drive.

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