How to Restore an Internet Explorer Icon on the Desktop

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Internet Explorer is a Microsoft web browser that comes pre-installed on all Windows operating systems. By default, Windows operating systems set Internet Explorer as the default web browser. Shortcuts to the application appear as a blue icon in the shape of an "e" and are placed on the desktop and in the task bar by default. If the Internet Explorer icon no longer appears on your desktop, restore it by creating a new shortcut.


Step 1

Click on the "Start" menu. Select the "All Programs" option.

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Step 2

Search for the Internet Explorer program link. It may be listed under the "Internet Explorer" folder. It may also appear at the top of the program list, outside of any folders.


Open your "C:" drive if you cannot locate Internet Explorer under the "All Programs" option. Open the "Program Files" folder and locate the "Internet Explorer" folder. The program file will appear there.


Step 3

Right-click on the Internet Explorer file and drag it to the desktop. Select the "Create Shortcut Here" option from the Windows menu that appears. The Internet Explorer icon will be placed on your desktop as a shortcut to the program.

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