How to Rotate Text Boxes in Reports in Access

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Customize your text boxes in a Microsoft Access report to view your information in the most effective way. Access reports provide tools to change the font, color and format of text boxes, but they also allow you to rotate them 90 degrees to the right. Use this tool while making labels, reports, and other documents. Unlike other Microsoft Office programs, Access does not allow free rotation of text boxes. Its tools for modifying text are simpler, so keep that in mind when creating your reports.


Step 1

Open the report in "Design View" by right-clicking on the title in the "Navigation Pane." Select the text box that you want to rotate, then click on the "Properties" button in the ribbon at the top of the page. If the ribbon is not open, right-click on the text box and select "Properties" to open the "Property Sheet."


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Step 2

Click on the "Other" tab in the "Property Sheet," and make sure the text box is listed in the control drop-down box. Click on the "Vertical" drop-down box and select "Yes." This rotates the text in the box 90 degrees to the right.

Step 3

Expand the text box to accommodate vertical formatting. You may also need to modify the text size or font to maintain readability.


Step 4

Switch to "Report View" on the view menu to see the changes. Return to "Design" view to make any further changes.

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