You never know when you may lose your files to a virus, a bolt of lightning, or a broken computer. That is why it is important to regularly back up your files. Before you install a new operating system, save your files to an external hard drive. When you buy a new computer, store all your old computer information on an external hard drive for safekeeping. Then, to access specific information, you can simply search your external hard drive.
Step 1
Attach your external hard drive to your computer. A small drive receives power through the USB port; larger hard drives will have an outside power source.
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Step 2
Click on "Start" and "Computer." Find the drive that lists your removable device. When you open it, your saved information will display.
Step 3
View the search option on the top right of your window. To find a file, do a quick search by typing key words in the search window, or look down the page for the title.
Step 4

Utilize proper eject methods. When you want to disconnect your external hard drive, click on the "Safely remove hardware" option on your computer's tool bar. A window will pop up with instructions.
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