How to Shrink an MPEG File Size

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Image Credit: Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images

An MPEG video is a popular format used by most media players and video editing programs. However, the MPEG file can often be fairly large and if you need to save it to a small storage device or send it over the Internet you need to shrink the size of the MPEG. There is only one option for lowering the size of the video. You need to import it into a video editor and adjust the specs of the MPEG.


Step 1

Launch the video editor on your computer. Most computers have either Windows Movie Maker or iMovie already installed on the system. However, there are dozens of different editor titles available for purchase.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click "File," "Import" and select the MPEG video file you want to shrink the size of.


Step 3

Drag the MPEG video file into the timeline at the bottom of the video editor program.

Step 4

Select "File" followed by "Export." A series of different export options will be presented to you.


Step 5

Title the file at the top of the window, then select "MPEG" as the output format. Click "Advanced Options" (the exact wording can be different depending on the video editor you are using). Select resolution and move this down to a smaller size than currently listed. The smaller the size the smaller the final file will be.


Step 6

Click "Export" and the smaller MPEG video file will be created.

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