How to Take out the White in VLC Media

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When VLC Media Player displays white, black or fuzzy output, you most likely have a problem with your "Video Output Module" -- the device VLC uses to display video output. Although there is a default setting in VLC's preferences for video display, it may have been disabled accidentally, or you just need to try a different setting. Output problems may also include your computer's display drivers; however, you can try re-configuring these settings in VLC for better video display. It is recommended you download and install the latest version of VLC Media Player before you begin, as updated software with its default preferences may fix your problem immediately.


Step 1

Update your existing VLC Media Player by opening your Internet browser and visit Click the "Download VLC" button in the center of the screen and choose one of the download options. Double-click the ".zip" or ".exe" file when download is complete to un-archive its contents and begin the installation. Follow VLC's on-screen prompts to install the software to your hard drive. Choose to override your current VLC Media Player; if prompted, accept the licensing terms and launch the newest version of VLC.


Video of the Day

Step 2

Try opening your video. If VLC displays white, click the "Tools" menu and select "Preferences." Click the "All" box in the "Show Settings" field to reveal all of VLC's advanced settings.

Step 3

Scroll down the "Preferences" panel and click "Video" to enter the "General Video Settings" window. Un-check the "Overlay Video Output" box so the check mark disappears. Click "Save" and quit VLC Media Player. Try re-opening your file.


Step 4

Click "Tools" and "Preferences." Click the "All" button to display all preferences. Scroll down the list on the left-hand side and press the drop-down "Video" menu. Select "Output Modules."


Step 5

Click the "Video Output Module" drop-down box and select "DirectX 3D Video Output." Windows XP and earlier users may want to try "DirectX," "OpenGL" or "Windows GDI" if "DirectX 3D Video Output" does not work. Press "Save," restart VLC and try re-opening your video.


Step 6

Navigate back to the "Video Output Module" menu in VLC's preferences and try all different "Video Output Module" options, saving your preferences and re-starting VLC each time.

Video of the Day



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