How to Unzip a Zip File in AIX

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Advanced Interactive eXecutive (shorted to simply "AIX") is an operating system designed by IBM and used across multiple types of platforms, usually computer servers. It is based on the old UNIX operating system, on which the modern day LINUX system is based. Though it does require a bit more computer knowledge to work with than a Windows or Mac operating system, it is possible to learn.


Step 1

Get a UNIX based program for unzipping .ZIP files. The easiest one to use is a utility called "Unzip." Download it from the Internet and install it on your machine.

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Step 2

Start the AIX Command Prompt. This is very similar to the old MS-DOS operating system in that a user types command lines to perform tasks. Use the Command Prompt to navigate to the directory where your .ZIP file is located.


Step 3

Type the following command into the command prompt (without quotes):

"unzip -I [filename]"

Replace "[filename]" with the actual name of your .ZIP file. This will list the individual files inside the .ZIP file in the Command Prompt window.



Step 4

Type the following command into the command prompt (without quotes):

"unzip [filename]"

Again, replace "[filename]" with the actual name of your .ZIP file. This command will extract the files inside the .ZIP file into the current directory. You can then access them and use them as you see fit.

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