Supermax is an FTA satellite receiver built in China. It is not offered by most free-to-air satellite equipment providers, but still functions to receive the unscrambled satellite programming. As is the case with most other FTA receivers, you need to occasionally upgrade the Supermax receiver. Doing so requires an FTA file download, which is then uploaded directly to your Supermax satellite receiver.
Step 1
Navigate to an FTA file download site such as "FTAReceiverFiles," "N2News.com" and "ReceiverDownloads." Because Supermax doesn't actually have a manufacturer's website, you are unable to obtain the upgrade files directly from the company. But these websites provide upgrades from the equipment.
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Step 2
Sign up to be a member on the website (click the "Join Now" option), then choose the "Suermax" receiver as the equipment you want upgrades for.
Step 3
Click the download link next to the Supermax option to download the FTA file to your computer.
Step 4
Right-click the downloaded FTA file, then choose "Extract" from the pull-down menu. Click "Next" and wait for the Windows extraction program to unzip the file.
Step 5
Plug the USB flash drive into a USB port on the computer. Click "Start," "Computer" and double-click the removable device icon. Click-and-drag the downloaded file directly to the open window, then close out the window and remove the flash drive from the computer.
Step 6
Plug the flash drive into the USB port on the receiver, and the update information loads directly onto the receiver.
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