How to Use Little Snitch on Mac for Adobe

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Image Credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Little Snitch is a third-party application for Macintosh computers that monitors information sent by other applications in order to protect your privacy. As you use the Internet and run applications, Little Snitch will work in the background to monitor all activity and alert you if an application is attempting to send your protected information. When using Adobe software, Little Snitch will prompt you asking what action to take due to Adobe's frequent sending of user information to its server. In order to use Adobe software and Little Snitch simultaneously, you'll need to add Adobe to Little Snitch's trusted applications list.


Step 1

Open the "Applications" folder in Finder and double-click the "Little Snitch" icon to run the application.

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Step 2

Click the "New" button in the Little Snitch window, and click the down arrow icon.


Step 3

Click "Choose Application" from the drop-down list, and click the Adobe application you wish to add to the list of approved applications list. Click the "Choose" button.


Step 4

Click the drop-down list at the top of the window, and click "Allow Connections." Click the "OK" button to complete the setup.

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