How to Use VLC to Stream to PS3

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VLC Streaming/Transcoding Wizard

VLC Media Player works with many different types of audio and video files. It can also stream your audio and video files over your home network. Streaming makes files accessible on other devices in your home, such as Sony's PlayStation 3 console. This feature does not come enabled right away, however — you have to turn it on in VLC's "Settings" menu.


Step 1

Open VLC Media Player.


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Step 2

Click "File" and then click "Wizard."


Step 3

Choose "Stream to Network" and click "Next."


Step 4

Pick the stream location.

Click "Select a Stream" followed by "Choose." Choose the folder on your computer that has the media files you'd like to stream and click "Next."



Step 5

Determine the UDP unicast destination.

Click "UDP Multicast." Enter the IP address for your computer's network into the box. You can find the IP address of your computer's network by looking at the "Status" of your network connection in the Network and Sharing Center. Click "Next."


Step 6

Click "Finish." The media files you have selected are streamed to your Sony PlayStation 3 using VLC Media Player.

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