How to Use WordPress Themes for My Blogger Blog

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Incorporate a WordPress theme into your Blogger blog if you are using a great theme that you really like on your WordPress blog and you can't bear to part with it when you switch to Blogger. Unlike WordPress, Blogger doesn't give you access to multiple files that make up your template; instead, a Cascading Style Sheets file controls the appearance of the blog. You can import your WordPress theme into Blogger and then modify the CSS style for your Blogger blog if necessary.


Step 1

Sign in to your WordPress site and navigate to the dashboard. Scroll down to the "Appearance" pane and click "Editor." Choose "style.css". Drag your mouse over the entire style sheet, then right-click and select "Copy" from the context menu.

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Step 2

Log in to Blogger and click the "Design" button under the name of the blog that will hold your imported WordPress theme. Click "Edit HTML."


Step 3

Scroll down to the location in the document where the HTML header is demarcated from the CSS style sheet, which looks something like the following:

/ Use this with templates/template-twocol.html /


Right-click and choose "Paste" to paste in the WordPress style sheet.


Step 4

Drag your mouse over all of the text below the end of the WordPress style sheet that you just pasted in and press "Delete." Alternately, you can right-click and select "Cut" if you want to save this text for later use. Paste it into a text document and save the document on your computer.

Step 5

View your Blogger blog in a new tab or window to see the style attributes of the WordPress blog applied to Blogger.

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