OSHA Guidelines for Computer Monitor Height

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The top of the computer monitor should be at about eye level.
Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Computers are used at the office, at home and at school, making them an essential part of everyday life. Because people spend so much time working on computers, it's essential that their computer monitors are positioned in an ergonomically safe way on their desks to prevent fatigue, eye strain and back and neck pain. That's why the Occupational Safety & Health Administration has established guidelines for safe computer monitor placement.


Monitor Height

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OSHA states that the safest computer monitor height is at, or slightly below, a level where the very top of the monitor is parallel with your eye level. This puts the center of the monitor at about 15-20 degrees below horizontal eye level. This keeps your head and neck in a forward facing position to minimize strain. This also ensures that your upper body isn't put in awkward positions. For instance, if your monitor is higher than your eye level, you're going to have to look up at it, with your head and neck leaned back, which can in turn put strain on your neck muscles.


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Exceptions for Bifocal Users

According to OSHA, bifocal users typically view the computer through the bottom half of their lenses, which may force them to tilt their head back awkwardly to see a computer that's otherwise appropriately placed on their work desk. This can put strain on the neck muscles that support the head. OSHA recommends that people who wear bifocals lower the monitor to maintain appropriate neck posture. Tilting the monitor can also help ensure an ergonomically safe work environment for bifocal wearers.


Meeting Proper Monitor Height

In order to meet OSHA's recommended monitor height, typically all that you need to do is make some minor adjustments to your work space to ensure safe working conditions. For instance, most of the time, the recommendations can be met by simply raising your chair height until your eyes are parallel with the top of your computer monitor. For smaller monitors, you can boost their heights with computer stands.



Viewing Distance

In addition to monitor height, there's also a viewing distance that OSHA recommends computer users abide by. OSHA states that the computer monitor should be 20-40 inches away from you. Too long of a viewing distance can cause you to lean toward the monitor to view small text, which can cause you to strain your back; too short of a viewing distance can force your eyes to work harder to focus.


