The Disadvantages of Organizations Using Multiple Operating Systems

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When you purchase or upgrade computers in your organization, you have a decision to make. You can stick to a single operating system and architecture, or you can take advantage of the variety available and select offerings from Apple, Microsoft or Linux-based solutions offered by a number of vendors. While variety allows you to exploit the advantages each option offers, there are some significant downsides to an organization using multiple operating systems.



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While the graphical user interfaces of most major operating systems bear some striking similarities, each functions in a very different manner in a number of ways. Implementing multiple operating systems in your organization can drastically increase your training budget, as a user may encounter an OS he's never seen before when switching from one workstation to another. In addition, switching from one desktop GUI to another can cause frustration and slowdowns as you attempt to perform tasks reflexively in the manner required by your most frequently used operating system.


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Bringing multiple operating systems into your organization can cause difficulties related to system compatibility. While you can network Apple, Microsoft and Linux machines together, the differences in how these operating systems function can make this a difficult task. Likewise, using multiple operating systems can make it a chore to transfer files from one system to another without converting them or finding a format readable by both.


Technical Support

Anyone who works in information technology knows that keeping a network of computers up to date and free from viruses is a never-ending task, even when every system is identical. Each operating system you add to your organization opens you up to a host of new security threats unique to that OS. Successfully supporting a network of multiple types of hardware and software could require you to hire additional outside technicians, since the certifications to handle Windows-based networks may not suffice for Apple and Linux administration duties. In addition, having multiple operating systems adds yet another step to the troubleshooting process, as technical support personnel must first identify the type of system and version of the OS before they can begin to address the problem.




Multiple operating systems can increase your organization's costs significantly. While a number of Linux systems are free of charge, Apple and Microsoft licenses can be expensive. Splitting your organization's use of these operating systems reduces the number of each you must purchase, potentially reducing any volume discounts you might otherwise qualify for. Likewise, you may have to purchase different versions of the same applications to run on your systems, or even completely different software suites to perform similar tasks on Apple and Microsoft desktops.


