How to Copy a Picture From Google Maps

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Image Credit: Jack Hollingsworth/Photodisc/Getty Images

One of the limitations of Google Maps is its inability to save map images. Right-clicking the map brings up a Maps option menu instead of the traditional Windows right-click menu. Saving a map is not impossible, however. Google Maps, like anything else that shows up on your screen, can be captured by using the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard.


Step 1

Browse to Google Maps.

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Step 2

Type the location you'd like to map into the search bar and click the "Search Maps" button.

Step 3

Click the left-facing double arrow icon near the top-left of the map (when you hover over it, the icon will say "Hide panel"). This will enlarge the Google Map to fit the entire width of your screen.


Step 4

Press the "F11" button on your keyboard to send your browser into full-screen mode. Notice that the map on your screen has become even larger.


Step 5

Press the "Print Screen" button. This will copy your current view to the clipboard.


Step 6

Open Microsoft Paint by clicking "Start" > "All Programs" > "Accessories" and selecting "Paint."

Step 7

Click "Edit" > "Paste" to paste the clipboard image into Paint. Save the file.

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